Saturday, July 28, 2012

Stretch it out

 Once again. Another thrifted outfit. The skirt is brand-spankin-new ST. JOHN. You just have to dig my friends. They will come to you. And you will freak when you find the gems. It puts me on a high all day knowing that I just found a vintage Chanel skirt, for example, for three dollars. Three dollars! Just saying..

The bracelets are my infamous DIY bracelets. The idea originally came from I just made the one farthest up my wrist with washers all the way around. It looks like a fish tail and is pretty cool.

On a personal note, I have a swollen/herniated disk in my lower back and I am supposed to arch my back all throughout the day to take the pressure off. Looks like yoga is going to become my friend. Just a warning to any and all, it doesn't matter how old you are, it is possible for this to happen to your back if you lift too much weight/fall out of good form. Be careful, like I should have. Have a good weekend!

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